Copy Editing Transforms Your Raw Material
Into a Polished Gem


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Copy Editing costs $0.02 per word

$0.02 per word

Our price listed upfront *

PayPal Payment

PayPal Payment

Please press blue PayPal icon above and you will taken to our Payment page

Copy Editing usually takes 3 days to complete

3 Days to Complete

Completed Document returned with Track Changes showing **


Copy Editing Produces Clear, Easy to Read Documents

Copy Editing takes your raw material and revises, rewords and corrects your text to remove any mistakes, errors of expression and inconsistences which may confuse readers and ensures that the meaning is clear, there is clarity of language and nothing can be misunderstood.

You have worked on your document for a long time and are not sure if there is consistency in the vocabulary, grammar, spelling and punctuation. You want to make sure the meaning is clear and the layout of your document is consistent. How do you produce a clear, easy to read document? The answer is to employ a professional copy editor to transform your raw material and remove all the mistakes and inconsistencies that distract readers.

Copy Editing tasks performed

Editio performs the following tasks:

If you require a thesis or a book edited, please see the appropriate web page for information relevant to these documents.


Send Us Your Document

Please see our Submit Document web page for full details of our process. If you have any questions, please contact Claudia on 0498 684 361 and speak personally with your editor and proofreader to discuss your requirements.


* The Minimum Charge is $50.00

** The turnaround for document completion depends on my current workload